Monday, June 21, 2021

Stop Procrastinating About Living Your Dreams.

Stop procrastinating! You've got to stop procrastinating about living up to your true potential in life. Why is it that despite all the talents you have, you are still not fulfilled instead you live like a slave? Why is it that you find it difficult to reach your goal in life? The reason is because you procrastinate to let the world see or feel your talent. You don't feel worthy of your talent and instead of you to start showing your talent to the world, you bring up excuses and complain about everything. You blame God for how he has created you. You procrastinate/postpone your destiny.
Know that you have one life to live and you can't come out of life alive. After discovering what talent(s) you possess, you have to start showing it to the world. You start small and grow with time as ''Rome was not built in a day'' (Proverb). Determine you want to make it in life and impact lives. Release yourself from the bondage of procrastination. Remember you have something special inside of you that no one in the world has.~Tunji Oyedokun

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Be Humble As You Achieve Success.

Be humble! Luke 14:11 (NKJV) says "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Make a determination to remain humble when you start to achieve success. You've discovered your talent and have begun to pursue your passion. You've been honing your skills and getting ready for opportunity to come. Eventually when opportunity finally meets your praparation and success begins to roll in, you must decide not to be arrogant. You mustn't allow pride to take over you and deprive you of your greatness. You mustn't believe that no one else can do what you do. It'll beat your imagination that there are many people that can do it better than you. If you want to retain the position of success for a lifetime, you need to work on your character. You need to be humble and respectful. You shouldn't allow your achievement to cover your face to make you forget your past. You must remember where you're coming from. To rise to a position of power is difficult but to fall is very easy. Determine to rise to the position of power and stay there. Be humble! You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Stay Strong And Focused!

Stay strong and be focused! Don't be discouraged to continue following your passion. Whatever difficulty you're experiencing today as you pursue your dream does not mean that you're here on earth only to be faced with different problems. Be rest assured that your life goals can still be achieved. The disappointment of today is not a conclusion that you can't achieve tomorrow. It depends on how you handle the setback. Know that it doesn't storm forever. Life comes in different phases and whatever unpleasant situation you face in one phase doesn't determine that the remaining phases are full of difficult situations. Today may be bitter but tomorrow can and will still be good if you keep your head up. The feedbacks you're getting in pursuing your dream may not be the one that give you joy but you must be dedicated, consistent, persistent, patient and focused in pursuit of your dream. Testimony usually comes after overcoming a trial. Don't give up now! Don't lose hope yet! You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Stop Being Contented With Your Present Situation.

Stop being contented with your present situation. Make a determination to change your life for the better. The most dangerous people on earth are the ones that have been knocked down by life and have no where else to go but up. They are the most determined and brave because all they want is to get back up at all cost. They are the dreamers of the day that can act their dreams with open eyes and make it possible.

Has your dream been shattered? Have you gone bankrupt? Have you failed in your career? Do you experience sorrow in your relationship? Are you suffering from a terminal disease? Don't mope in getting back your greatness. Decide to come back stronger from every setback. Forget about your adversities. They'll come and go. Create a new future for yourself. You can still achieve. Start anew! You can surpass the success of old. Become dangerous! Face your challenges with boldness and come back as a winner. Refuse to be happy with your current position. You deserve success!~Tunji Oyedokun

Friday, June 18, 2021

Decide To Succeed Enormously In Life.

Make a determination to succeed enormously in life. Know that whatever you become or achieve in life depends wholly on you. Your destiny lies in your own hands. Whatever you wish for is what you get.

Jeremy Collier once said "Everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases."

If you decide to play small, you'll be small and if you decide to play big I bet you'll be big. How important is being successful in life to you? Will you fold your hands doing nothing about your talent and allow greatness to elude you or discover what your talent is and start utilising it to change your life and impact others positively? Think about it! But in every step you take, always remember that you have a fair turn to be as great as you wish. The choice is yours! Choose right! You deserve success!!~Tunji Oyedokun

Act Your Dreams Now!

Act your dreams now! Be a dreamer of the day who acts his or her dreams with open eyes and make it possible. Resolve to take that step of faith in living your dreams. Make up your mind now to utilise all your gifts leaving none in you. It may not be easy to start living your dreams, but you need to be courageous. You need to be thirsty and hungry for success! The resources to push your dreams forward may not be readily available but you need to start first and seek for help. You can approach people to help you or apply for a small loan to start. Many dreams don't require much money to start but your ideas, creativity, patience and capability. Throw your dream into space first and it may bring you sponsors and opportunities. Don't pay attention to people around you giving you reasons why your dreams won't bring success. Flee from them! Stop delaying on what you need to do. The world only celebrate those that act and not those that say they want to do and never did. You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Love Yourself Unconditionally! Love The Life You Have.

Love yourself unconditionally! Love the life you have. Regardless of your situation, determine to cherish the kind of life you are blessed with. What is needed to be changed is your lifestyle, the way in which you live your life. Know that there is no life without its glory, but lots of people have failed totally in taking a step to bring forth the glory. They have failed to discover their purpose in life. They live like slaves when in actual fact they are kings. Love yourself! Ephesians 5:29 says "For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church."
Don't hate yourself because of one mistake you made. Know that making mistakes is part and parcel of living a successful life. Take care of your body. Eat good food, always give yourself special treat and dress gorgeously. Show-off when need be, it's different from being proud. Don't reserve a dress for a special day. Put on your best dresses everyday. Since no one knows when end shall come. With the little resource you have, make yourself happy. Live life to please yourself and God. Love your God. You deserve happiness.~Tunji Oyedokun

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Work Your Way Up To Your Greatness.

Be hardworking! Make a firm decision to work hard to achieve the life you have imagined. Discovering your talent which is the first step in living up to your true potential in life is not enough, you must work hard if you are going to fulfill the reason for your existence. Talent without hardwork is going to be redundant. While talent when harmonised well together with hardwork produces great success. 

Now, what are the things you need to do to ensure that you are working hard? By being creative, by developing and honing your skills, by reheasing, by practicing, by studying and learning more and by exercising your skills repeatedly or regularly in order to improve your proficiency. Strive to achieve greatness in life. Whatever you work hard to achieve is what you place a high value on. Many successes have crumbled because they were achieved without hardwork. We all want to live a satisfying and successful life but not everyone is ready to pay the price of success which is hard work. Stop playing small and work your way up to your greatness. Work hard as if everything depends on your hard work. You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Be Free! Let The Past Go.

Be free! Your future shouldn't be defined by who you were or the bad things you did in the past. You're a changed person now and you shouldn't allow what you did in the past to stand in the way of what you want to become now or in the future. Stop judging yourself because of your past deeds. Make amends! Ask God to forgive your wrong doings and seek forgiveness from people you offended or wronged. Set yourself free and be set free. Make a decision not to do the bad things of old again. Your life can be better. You can be that person you want to be regardless of what you did before. Stop feeling guilty! Be free. You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Be Patient! Give Your Dreams Enough Time.

Be patient! Give your dreams enough time. Don't abandon your dreams because of the time it'll take to start giving you success. Set your eyes on the goals and not the time it'll take. Many people have given up on their dreams because of the time it'll take to start achieving success. They are not patient. They have failed to know that it takes time for important and valuable dream to bring great success. Genesis 29:20 NKJV says "So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her."
Resolve to keep pursuing your dream passionately. Decide to keep sharpening your skills and waiting for opportunity to come at the appropriate time. The time you're most prepared to showcase your talent to the world with hunger for success. Know that you can only be hopeful on what you've started and not what you are visualising. People that give excuses about pursuing their dreams because of the time it'll take to start giving back are the ones that end up not doing anything at all. Take a step toward success now and don't worry about the time it'll take to achieve it. You deserve success!~Tunji Oyedokun

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Believe In The Beauty Of Your Dreams.

Believe in the beauty of your dreams. Believe that no dream is too big for you to accomplish. Know that your dream was given to only you and bringing it to reality depends only on you.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

What have you discovered to be your talent and what dreams have you set for yourself? What do you want out of life? What do you want to become in life? I say you must believe in your dreams. You must give all your heart to what you believe in. Know that believing in a thing makes it possible. If you are ever going to achieve greatness and live out your purpose in life. Then, cultivate the habit of believing in your dreams. Believe it is possible to be successful in it. Regardless of any challenges that arise while pursuing your dreams, believe the future belongs to you. Seize the future by believing in your vision. Set your eyes on the goals. Yes, it is possible! Remember, you deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

Surround Yourself With Positive People.

Surround yourself with positive people. Decide firmly to surround yourself with people that make you grow. If you've decided to achieve great success in life, the kind of people you surround yourself with matters. If you surround yourself with people that are negative, I bet you're going to be negative. Resolve to surround yourself with people that have found a reason to live. People that have made up their mind to live up to their potential in life. Surround yourself with people that don't procrastinate on living their dreams. Surround yourself with people that are not afraid to make mistakes in a bid to surpass themselves. Surround yourself with people that do not doubt their capability. Surround yourself with bold and courageous people. Dream killers are many out there looking for people to stop from pursuing their dreams. Don't give them chance to turn you to what they have turned themselves into. Flee from them and run after a successful life. Proverbs 13:20 NKJV says "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed."
You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun