Friday, June 18, 2021

Decide To Succeed Enormously In Life.

Make a determination to succeed enormously in life. Know that whatever you become or achieve in life depends wholly on you. Your destiny lies in your own hands. Whatever you wish for is what you get.

Jeremy Collier once said "Everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases."

If you decide to play small, you'll be small and if you decide to play big I bet you'll be big. How important is being successful in life to you? Will you fold your hands doing nothing about your talent and allow greatness to elude you or discover what your talent is and start utilising it to change your life and impact others positively? Think about it! But in every step you take, always remember that you have a fair turn to be as great as you wish. The choice is yours! Choose right! You deserve success!!~Tunji Oyedokun

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