Monday, June 21, 2021

Stop Procrastinating About Living Your Dreams.

Stop procrastinating! You've got to stop procrastinating about living up to your true potential in life. Why is it that despite all the talents you have, you are still not fulfilled instead you live like a slave? Why is it that you find it difficult to reach your goal in life? The reason is because you procrastinate to let the world see or feel your talent. You don't feel worthy of your talent and instead of you to start showing your talent to the world, you bring up excuses and complain about everything. You blame God for how he has created you. You procrastinate/postpone your destiny.
Know that you have one life to live and you can't come out of life alive. After discovering what talent(s) you possess, you have to start showing it to the world. You start small and grow with time as ''Rome was not built in a day'' (Proverb). Determine you want to make it in life and impact lives. Release yourself from the bondage of procrastination. Remember you have something special inside of you that no one in the world has.~Tunji Oyedokun

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