Saturday, June 19, 2021

Stop Being Contented With Your Present Situation.

Stop being contented with your present situation. Make a determination to change your life for the better. The most dangerous people on earth are the ones that have been knocked down by life and have no where else to go but up. They are the most determined and brave because all they want is to get back up at all cost. They are the dreamers of the day that can act their dreams with open eyes and make it possible.

Has your dream been shattered? Have you gone bankrupt? Have you failed in your career? Do you experience sorrow in your relationship? Are you suffering from a terminal disease? Don't mope in getting back your greatness. Decide to come back stronger from every setback. Forget about your adversities. They'll come and go. Create a new future for yourself. You can still achieve. Start anew! You can surpass the success of old. Become dangerous! Face your challenges with boldness and come back as a winner. Refuse to be happy with your current position. You deserve success!~Tunji Oyedokun

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